
The rules of playing games

The CCCB's cinema

Playing games is an inextricable part in the vital development of people. As Johan Huizinga pointed out in Homo Ludens (1938), the act of playing is intrinsic to the unfolding of cultural practices. Experimental film combines rules, regulations, instructions and constraints with metalinguistic proposals that sound out logics ranging from convivial to metaphysical. This session features unusual games denoting that the entertainment produced is recreated with cinematic tools.

Some pieces represent relaxing pastimes which end up being completely ingenious (Jeu, Playing Dice). Others set recreational concepts aimed at our intellect through language, photography, music (Associations, The Song Remains the Same). They implicate all the audience, stimulating them to build up connections that are more or less fun.

Visual interpretation also underpins virtuous work with regard to the camera and the montage (Spacey, Analogies). They’re manoeuvres that articulate time and movement, hiding the mechanism of their configuration. Finally, some of the films in the programme reveal amusements which include behaviour that must be coded (Play, Gurtrug). If the former achieves performances with audience reaction, the second reveals a collective and unconnected distraction which is not devoid of revelry.

Play, Christoph Girardet y Matthias Müller, 2003, 16 mm transferred to digital file, 7 min; Playing Up, Ian Helliwell, 2007, digital projection (orig. Super 8), 3 min;Jeu (Play), Georges Schwizgebel, 2006, 35 mm, 4 min; Playing Dice, Jean-Pierre Bertrand, 1972, 16 mm, silent, 5 min; Codes of Conduct, David Rimmer, 1997, 16 mm, 5 min; Associations, John Smith, 1975, digital projection, 6 min; The Song Remains the Same, Mark Toscano, 2014, 16 mm, 4 min; Analogies, Peter Rose, 1977, 16 mm, 14 min; Spacy, Takashi Ito, 1981, 16 mm, 9 min; Gurtrug Nr 1, Werner Nekes, 1967, 16 mm, 14 min

28 February 2019


The Auditorium
Admission fee

4 € / 3 € Concessions

5-session pass: 15 € / 12 € Concessions

Friends of the CCCB: free of charge

Ticket sales

CCCB ticket offices / [email protected]/ 933 064 100 /

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