The animation director Georges Schwizgebel has created a remarkably original body of work. His films-whose technical execution is always masterful-are marked by a playful approach to narrative, spectacular formalism and the intermingling of visuals and music. His first film, The Flyght of Icarus (1974) begins a career that currently numbers 20 films, which have gone to win numerous awards at prestigious international festivals (such as Cannes, Annecy, Zagreb, Hiroshima, Stuttgart, Ottawa and Espinho). The Ride to the Abyss (1992) is regularly cited as one of the finest animated films of all time. In 2017 Georges Schwizgebel receives the Honorary cristal of Annecy festival, in 2018 the Swiss film award of Honor, in 2019 he was appointed officer of the Order of Arts and Letters (France) and receives the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Zagreb Animafest 2020.