Gonzalo de Lucas

He is a professor of Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University, where he belongs to the CINEMA research group and directs the research project «Producción de nuevas subjetividades en los personajes femeninos y las actrices: el cine español del final de la dictadura a la post-transición (1975-1992)». As a teacher, he teaches film editing and film essay and develops a film directing project that has given rise to feature films such as Las amigas de Ágata, Júlia Ist, Yo la buscoOjos negros. He is also director of the Postgraduate in Audiovisual Editing at the UPF-Barcelona School of Management and since 2002 he is part of the programming team of Xcèntric, the CCCB cinema. Throughout his career he has written articles in more than fifty books and in publications such as Cahiers du Cinéma-España, Rockdelux, L'Atalante, So Film, Sight and Sound or the «Cultura|s» supplement of La Vanguardia. He has also published the essays Vida secreta de las sombras and El blanco de los orígenes (Paidós, 2001) and, with Núria Aidelman, Jean-Luc Godard. Pensar entre imágenes (Prodimag, 2010), and in 2018 he edited Xcèntric Cinema. Conversaciones sobre el proceso creativo y la visión fílmica (CCCB).

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