This programme follows the movement that is born of sound and music and advances towards images: films based on songs (Joe Crepúsculo’s anthem of a generation, Godard’s unknown clip about France Gall), dubbing (Pierre Huyghe’s short about the woman who dubbed Snow White in 1963), films that create vibrant, hypnotic acoustic landscapes (Grandieux and Ossang, with music by Throbbing Gristle) or centre on the ecstasy of the public and the raw energy of music: Ben Russell’s short and Dan Graham’s video about Minor Threat and the hardcore subculture.
Suena brillante, Luis Cerveró, 2008, video, 7 min.
Clip Plus oh!, Jean-Luc Godard, 1996, video, 4 min.
L’Arrière-saison, Philippe Grandrieux, 2007, video, 10 min.
Silencio, F. J. Ossang, 2006, 35 mm, 20 min.
Black and White Trypps Number Three (Lightning Bolt), Ben Russell 2007, 35 mm, 11 min.
Minor Threat, Dan Graham, 1983, video, 38 min.