These very recent works in cinema and video move between the indexical nature of the image and abstraction. The celluloid buried in the sea bed by MacLean, Ahwesh’s upside-down orientalism and science-fiction transcendences, noise music taken to Malobi by Russell, the vestiges of the past in Klahr and MarClay’s allusions to lynching in the US provide the stuff of sound and image in this high-voltage session.
Fore-and-Aft, Sara MacLean. Canada, 2008, 35 mm, 6 min.
Trypps #6 (Malobi), Ben Russell. USA, 2008, 16 mm, 12 min.
Trypps #5 (Dubai), Ben Russell. USA, 2008, 16 mm, 3 min.
False Aging, Lewis Klahr. USA, 2008, video, 15 min.
Antigenic Drift, Lewis Klahr. USA, 2007, video, 17 min.
Wednesday Morning Two A.M., Lewis Klahr. USA, 2009, vídeo, 7 min.
The Third Body, Peggy Ahwesh. USA, 2008, video, 9 min.
Beirut Outtakes, Peggy Ahwesh. USA, 2008, video, 8 min.
Sound Over Water, Mary Helena Clark. USA, 2009, 16mm, 6 min.