1952, Vienna, Austria - 2019, Vienna, Austria
Gustav Deutsch was an Austrian filmmaker and artist. Trained as an Architect, he moved to film and art in the late 80ths, and became one of the leading international filmmakers working with Found Footage. His trilogy FILM IST. (1998), on the phenomenology of the medium film, realised in close cooperation with European and American film archives (e.g.Netherlands Film Museum, Cinemateca Portuguesa, Imperial War Museum, Cineteca di Bologna, Centre National de la Cinematographie, The Kinsey Institute, Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Filmarchiv Austria, a.o.), has been shown widely at international film festivals, and in exhibitions in the form of installations (e.g. Rotterdam int. film festival, Thessaloniki int. film festival, Tribeca film festival NYC, ZKM Karlsruhe, Künstlerhaus Vienna, CCCB Barcelona, Australien Center of the Moving Image). His last project SHIRLEY; Visions of Reality was shown at numerous international festivals, and won several prizes. It was shown as well in the form of interactive multi media installations in exhibitions at Kunsthalle Vienna 2008/2009, at Pallazo Reale Milano 2009/2010, at Künstlerhaus Vienna 2013/2014, at Galeria Solar Vila do Conde 2013, and in the context of the exhibition WhatsAppropriation - The Art of Revisiting Art, at Fundicao Progresso, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
Retrospectives of his work have been organized by the Austrian Film Museum in 2009, and the Cineteca Nacional Mexico in 2010.
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