Faith Johnson received an MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts through Tufts University, where she was awarded the Rose Hill Performance Award and a Teaching Fellowship in performance art. Johnson’s work has shown in galleries and festivals throughout the United States and abroad, including the Open Festival in China, Navinki Festival in Belarus, and the Tactile Bosch Gallery in Wales, England. She has also been a visiting artist and lecturer at Lesley University, Oklahoma University, and the University of Northern Iowa. Johnson has completed residencies at the Homestead Artist Residency in Willow, Alaska and the Newton School of Theology where she researched spiritual forms and gestures. She has taught art making in schools, museums, afterschool programs, community centers, and through her community arts project Full Circle Arts where she facilitates well-being and connection through creative processes.
Faith Johnson’s current work explores collective consciousness and daydreams through guided interactions and experiences presented in her ethereal and sometimes playful installations. Her work is meant to spark and engage individual and collective imagination.
Biography taken from Faith Johnson’s personal website