filmmaker and social researcher

Dario Azzellini

Dario Azzellini is a political scientist and lecturer at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, writer and filmmaker based in Berlin and Caracas. He holds a PhD in political science from the Goethe University in Frankfurt (Germany). His research and writing focuses on social and revolutionary militancy, migration and racism, people’s power and selfadministration, workers control and extensive case studies in Latin America.

He published several books, essays and documentaries about social movements, privatization of military services, migration and racism, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia and Venezuela. Among them The business of war (Assoziation A 2002), a book about privatization of military services, translated an published in the US, GB, Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, France, Indonesia, Italy, Spain and Venezuela. He recently published“El negocio de la guerra. Nuevos mercenarios y terrorismo de Estado“ (Monte Àvila, Venezuela, 2009), “Partizipation, Arbeiterkontrolle und die Commune“ (VSA, Germany, 2010) and the documentary „Comuna under construction“ (2010) about local self government in Venezuela. Azzellini has been invited to conferences in Europe, North America, South America and Asia.


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