Pianist and composer

Clara Peya

Pianist and composer, in the year 2007 she graduated in classical piano at the ESMUC. She took advanced studies in jazz and modern music at the Taller de Músics. She studied for over 12 years under teacher Leonid Sintsev with who she continued her training at the Rimsky Korsakov Saint Petersburg Conservatory (Russia). In the modern music and jazz sphere, her teachers have included Joan Monné, Joan Díaz, Roger Mas, Txema Riera and Marco Mezquida.

She has presented eight albums under her own name: Declaracions (2009), +Declaracions! (2010), Tot aquest silenci (2011), Tot aquest soroll (2013), esPIral (2014) and Mímulus (2015), Oceanes (2017) and Estómac (2018), with the collaboration of musicians such as Silvia Perez Cruz, Judit Neddermann, Toni Pagès, Vic Moliner, Alessio Arena, Ferran Savall, Aleix Tobias, Adrià Plana, Dídac Fernández and Pau Figueres, among others. She has featured on tracks by artists such as Elena Gadel, Alessio Arena, Toni Pagès, Pulpopop and El niño de la hipoteca and has played with different groups all around Spain and in Mexico, France, the United Kingdom and Russia.

She is co-founder (with Ariadna Peya) of the dance-theatre and live music company Les Impuxibles, which whom she has presented nine multidisciplinary shows, the last one Suit toc núm. 6 (2018). She is the composer of various music pieces for theatre and dance shows such as Garbuix Circ d’hivern de Nou Barris (2015), Mares i Filles by David Pintó (2015) Carmen with Òpera de butxaca (Peralada 2015), Rudo by Manolo Alcántara (Grec 2014) Clownic by Tricicle (2013) and Best of you by La Intrusa Danza (2013), with whom she toured South America. She was second musical director of La nit de Sant Joan by Dagoll Dagom.

She has a frenzied biography that goes from music, to theater and activism. This 2019 she has been recognized with the National Culture Award in Catalonia. She collaborated with the CCCB within the framework of FEMINISMS! to present Cosa/Cos. La bellesa subvertida with Les Impuxibles.

Has participated in