Podorvikha (Russia), 1951
Alexander Sokurov is one of the most important directors of both Russian cinema and world cinema. After graduating from high school in 1968, this future filmmaker joined the Gorky University (History Department). During his studies he began working in Gorky television, first as a production technical assistant and later as a production assistant. During the time he worked for the television network, Sokurov acquired extensive experience in film and television technology; and, at age 19, he already made his first television programs as a producer. In 1975 Sokurov entered the Production Department of the All-Union Film School (VGIK, Moscow) (documentary film studio of Alexander Zguridi). He is very attached to very long shots, naturalistic acting, and the almost mystical use of natural sounds and music. He is also very committed to the essential issues of the human race as well as the state of the human spirit.