The co-founder of the Barcelona International Women's Film Festival, Anna Solà, presents Take Off by Gunvor Nelson. This film begins with a very simple set-up: a stripper takes off her clothes in front of the camera. Initially, her act follows the usual canons although it does contain some features that don't quite conform. Suddenly, however, there's an unexpected plot twist and the performance goes way beyond anything we might have imagined. An ironic and playful film that nevertheless has a very clear intellectual aim: to subvert representations of the female body based on androcentric voyeurism.
Take Off, Gunvor Nelson, USA, 1972, 16mm, 9 min 13 s
This film was available until 30 November 2022. Digital copy courtesy of Re:voir.
Special thanks to the Catalan Association of Film Criticism and Writing (ACCEC). Xcèntric Focus header clip fragment courtesy of Laida Lertxundi (Farce Sensationelle, 2009).