
Workshop "The Mechanical Trance!"

Camera-less filmmaking Workshop by Steven Woloshen

Steven Woloshen

If you want to experiment with painting and film, this is your chance. The Canadian animator and experimental filmmaker Steven Woloshen will be facilitating a workshop about painting and scratching celluloid (35 mm), where you can make your own film without a camera and without processing film.

Two leading avant-garde animators, Norman McLaren and Len Lye, made camera-less films back in the 1930s, and today, 80 years later, this elementary film-making technique continues to captivate creators and surprise audiences with its attractive results.

In this workshop led by Steven Woloshen, we will explore the multiple techniques of camera-less filmmaking and discover new ones along the way. Participants will be encouraged to choose their materials and tools for scratch, paint and collage techniques directly onto the surface of clear leader, black leader or previously shot material. We also look at popular methods of synchronising soundtracks and digitising hand-made films. The result can be viewed with a 35mm Moviola.

1 - 4 October 2018

5pm - 8pm

Xcèntric Archive
Admission fee

Registration fee: €40

€32 - the unwaged and Friends of the CCCB


Sold Out. Waiting list at Ticket desck of the CCCB.

+ information: Ticket desk of the CCCB  [email protected] tlf. 933 064 100
