Inspired by the musical structure of counterpoint, Fuga, a film that Eugènia Balcells made with Eugeni Bonet and Carles Hac Mor in 1979, is a decisive work for the Catalan artist, foreseeing issues that we find in later works, in installations such as Indian Circle (1981) and other films that explore music and sound in space. The two films share a circular structure and record the traces of bodies, interweaving light, time and space. But whereas we silently witness everyday actions in Fuga (smoking a cigarette, reading the paper, writing or machine sewing), those of Indian Circle respond to the improvisation of musician Peter Van Riper.
Then Computer Music Studies (2015) by Blanca Rego is a series of short films made using feedback. The sound consists of pieces generated by connecting the output of a digital system to the input, creating random and difficult-to-control feedback effects. The images were generated frame by frame after cutting the soundtrack into very short fragments of the duration of a frame. These sound files of a few milliseconds were saved as JPGs to make the sound visible: what you see is what you hear. Machine music for machines.