The cinema thinking itself: sketching and rehearsing its possibilities. The poetic invention, the rigor and the theoretical curiosity are crucial for Godard and Pasolini in their searching for others "ways of seeing": in a peculiar way, their films essay explore the question of creation and let emerge the matter of cinema usually hidden in the "finished" works of art. A dialogue between two films in process, revolving around imaginary films, digressing about the pre-shooting or the edition work and exploring the proper images. Far from the industrial conception of the films as finished works of art, they praise the cinema as an open writing done of hesitations and attempts.
Sopralluoghi in Palestina per il vangelo secondo Matteo, Pier Paolo Pasolini. Italy, 1963-64, 52 min, video.
Scénario du film ‘Passion', Jean-Luc Godard. France, 1982, 54 min, video