This video programme, curated by João Laia and Andrey Shental, examines the notion of austerity not just in the sense we have become used to hearing it used in the political discourse of the present crisis, but as a creative tool. The films included present an inventory of poor materials and marginal techniques (such as found footage and low-resolution video), much used on the Internet but not so much in artistic circles, where they continue to shock. Presentation by João Laia.
Replica, Daniel Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never), United States, 2011, 4 min 36 s; The Meaning of “Austerity”, James Corbett, United States, 2010, 8 min (fragmento de 6 min); Touch my Body, Ilya Korobkov, Russia, 2009, 4 min; Infinite Doors, Takeshi Murata, United States, 2010, 2 min; Nobody Here, D. Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never), United States, 2009, 2 min; #67, Jean-Gabriel Périot, France, 2012, 3 min 30 s; The Misty Suite, James Richards, United Kingdom, 2009, 7 min; Climbing, Jesse McLean, United States, 2011, 6 min 30 s (fragmento de 2 min 30 s); Versions, Oliver Laric, United Kingdom, 2010, 6 min 30 s; The Barbarians, J.-G. Périot, France, 2010, 5 min; New Materials in the Reading of the World, Chooc Ly Tan, France, 2011, 5 min 30 s.