From the very beginning of the history of avant-garde cinema up to the present day, men and women have expressed, on screen, an ardent gaze that pulsates in their images. In their films we discover a body that takes delight in all its ages. Also a body that challenges the assigned roles of identity and gender. So we can think of the films that make up this triple programme as a collective body that electrifies the filmic and digital epidermis; and also, of course, our retinas.
November 21: Exquisite Bodies I. Visual pleasures
- Au Bal de Flore, Alice Guy, 1900, 1 min 46 seg, digital copy
- Invitation au voyage, Germaine Dulac, 1927, 33 min, silent, 16 mm
- Le sang d’un poète, Jean Cocteau, 1930, 55 min, 16 mm (O.V. French)
November 28: Exquisite Bodies II. The erogenous screen
- Flaming Creatures, Jack Smith, 1963, 43 min
- Sisters!, Barbara Hammer, 1973, 8 min
- Double Strength, Barbara Hammer, 1978, 16 min
- Gently Down the Stream, Su Friedrich, 1981, 15 min
16 mm projection.
December 4: Exquisite Bodies III. Digital epidermis
- Cut, Mathias Müller and Christoph Girardet, 2013, 13 min
- Age is, Stephen Dwoskin, 2012, 75 min
Digital screening.