
Between self and otherness

Ethnographic methodologies for filmmaking

This theoretical and practical workshop, led by filmmaker and anthropologist Adriana Vila Guevara, aims to provide a space for reflection (sensitive and experiential) on some of the conditions that can affect our approach to and development of an understanding of the unknown, of the mystery of otherness. 

Throughout its history as a discipline, anthropology has devoted itself to the complex task of understanding otherness, tackling the contradictions of the researcher's own presence. Likewise, in filmmaking (and even in other artistic disciplines with an interest in intersubjectivity), the creation and development of the relationships established with those we work with and those we wish to represent often causes creators to constantly question their position, power, involvement, responsibility and commitment.

In this single 4-hour session, limited to a small group of people, a series of practical exercises will be carried out (such as meta-observation and reflective listening) that will create a basis for group discussion and encourage an encounter with situated and embodied knowledge. The workshop will empirically provide a series of ethnographic tools that can be used in the different stages of investigation that accompany the artistic and cinematographic processes of discovery and representation of otherness.

This workshop is aimed at anyone interested in such issues, with no need for prior knowledge, and particularly artists and filmmakers who want to enrich their creative and exploratory processes. The session complements the course F(r)icciones Etnográficas (Ethnographic F(r)ictions) and the Xcèntric programme's last cycle of screenings dedicated to the intersections between experimental film and anthropology. 


10 June 2022

16.00 - 20.00

Xcèntric Archive
Admission fee

6 € (4 € reduced)


Please send a letter of motivation to [email protected] by 27 May (Subject: workshop ANTHROPOLOGY) with the following information:

Full name / Contact email and phone number / Age and profession / A few lines about your reasons for attending the workshop.

The list of persons admitted will be announced before 31 May.

Registration limited to 15 participants.
