The 13th season of Xcèntric opens with Antoni Padrós, a Catalan underground filmmaker with a genuinely subversive, ironic, iconoclastic body of work. He is currently receiving deserved recognition from our institutions: Xcèntric included his short film Ice Cream in the programme “Del éxtasis al arrebato”, the Reina Sofia Museum has acquired his entire body of work, and his filmography has been restored by the Filmoteca de Catalunya, which has also prepared a special DVD edition with Cameo. Xcèntric is honoured to have the presence of Padrós, who selected the films in this screening, establishing a dialogue between one of his works and a key film that influenced him.
Meshes of the Afternoon, Maya Deren, 1945, 16 mm, 17 min; Dafnis y Cloe, A. Padrós, 1969, 18 min [video screening, copy courtesy of the Filmoteca de Catalunya].