Between the experimental short film that the writer Lemâitre made on May 68 based on a text of political economy by Isou and the Gaumont news broadcasts, we see two ways of immediately representing historical events. That year, Marguerite Duras interviews a 16 year old leader of his school (Les lyceens ont la parole). Through the emotive portrait of his friend Michel Recanati, who committed suicide in 1978, Goupil remembers the history of a generation marked by the problem of commitment
Le soulèvement de la jeunesse, mai 68, Maurice Lemaître. France, 1968, 26 min, 16 mm
Actualités Gaumont mai 68 / juin 68 (selection). France, 1968, 15 min, video
Les lyceens ont la parole. Pierre Zaidline. France, 1968, 7 min, video
Mourir à trente ans. Romain Goupil. France, 1982, 97 min, 35 mm