In 4 à 4 Métro-Barbès-Rochechou Art, each cineaste films and is filmed by the others, affirming his own vision and story, preserving and at the same time diluting his identity in a single flow: that of the film's present. Throughout Paris, the images portray an imaginary neighbourhood made up of the places frequented by the filmmakers on a daily basis. The film unfolds like a sketch or notebook in the relationship between the super 8 camera and the body filming - with jerks, zooms or travellings, changes in filming speed and interaction with objects or by dilating performative actions.
In Grappe d'yeux, the camera concentrates on filming the different impulses in the eyes of each filmmaker: how their nerves react, how their pupils dilate before the gaze of movement and life.
Grappe d'yeux, MétroBarbèsRochechou Art Collective, 1982-1983, super 8 to 16 mm, no sound, 14 min.
4 à 4 MétroBarbèsRochechou Art, MétroBarbèsRochechou Art Collective, 1980-1983, super 8 to 16 mm, 65 min.
Copies from the Centre Georges Pompidou collection and courtesy of Michel Nedjar.