Some lessons on journalism. In Every Day Is Like Sunday, Curtis reviews the figure of Cecil King, the British press baron before Murdoch, who definitively changed the relation between politics, the media and the public.Presentation with Berta Barbet Porta.
Every Day Is Like Sunday, 2011, 45 min
Oh Dearism I, 2009, 7 min
Oh Dearism II, 2014, 5 min
Murdoch’s Revolution, 2010, 5 min
Rise and Fall of the TV Journalist, 2007, 4 min
Richard Nixon: Paranoia and Moral Panics, 2010, 6 min
This cycle, curated by Chema González, brings together almost the entire body of work of this English journalist and producer, re-editing the vast archives of the BBC. The films are screened in remastered copies accompanied by presentations and debates about Curtis’s work.