Associate professor at the University of Girona (UdG) and professor of the master’s degree in Sound Art at the University of Barcelona (UB). Post-doctoral researcher at IRCAM-CNRS in Paris (1996-1998), where she carried out research on sound space in contemporary music. In 2018, she returned to IRCAM for another research stay to work on speech synthesis.
She translated and edited Escritos al oído (1999) by John Cage, is author of Música y pensamiento. Apuntes de un encuentro (2019); En el silencio de la cultura (Sexto Piso, 2016; French edition in Eterotopia, 2018); La escucha oblicua: una invitación a John Cage (Sexto Piso, 2014, French edition in L'Harmattan, 2007, awarded the Coup de coeur 2008 from the Académie Charles Cross), Robert Wilson (in collaboration with Miguel Morey, Polígrafa, 2003, Spanish and English editions); Las TIC: una reflexión filosófica (Laertes, 2009); En el mar de John Cage (La Central, 2009). She has collaborated on collective works, organised and coordinated various international events and was deputy commissioner of the exhibition Encuentros de Pamplona 1972: Fin de fiesta del arte experimental (MNCARS, 2009-2010).