
Angela Ricci Lucchi

Angela Ricci Lucchi (1942-2018) formed a creative and sentimental partner with Yervant Gianikian. Together they developed their work in the field of documentary film, of a critical and political nature, made from found footage. Ricci Lucchi tells how he met Giainikian: "A poet friend advised me to send my questionnaire to an artist who lived in the Alpes: «He is a genius or a madman, you will tell me ...». I went there, met him, and a few months later we decided to live together. Just before he had shot a first film, in 8mm, but he had not developed it. In 1975, after we met, Yervant made overlays with the film that was still in the camera. My first film became our first film" (source: Lumière Magazine). Both came from different fields (Ricci Lucchi was a plastic artist and Gianikian was an architect) before starting to make films.

His best-known film is Dal Polo all'Equatore (1987), in which they recover archival material from the documentary filmmaker Luca Comerio and modify it to infuse it with a ghostly and hallucinated atmosphere, according to his critical perspective regarding the colonialism portrayed in the images. They have applied the same method to several of their films, such as Prigionieri della guerra (1995) and Oh! Uomo (2004), dedicated to the horrors of the First World War, or Barbaric Land (2013), which reflects on the invasion of Ethiopia at the hands of the Italian fascist army.

Ricci Lucchi died in 2018, leaving a diary full of annotations that Gianikian has tried to bring to life in the two chapters of Il diario di Angela (2018-2019).

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