End Memory (1995), Pip Chodorov, 6 min.
A film about ends and memory, the end of an era. Chodorov makes films to remember: the end of a summer, of a family, a last trip to Vermont before a separation, grandparents getting older.... His filming is impromptu, dissolving and fading in the camera.
Other suggestions: NYC sync (Albert Alcoz, 2008, 2’), Déjà vu (Lisl Ponger, 1999, 22’)
1126 Dewey Ave (1939), anonymous, 3 min.
In apartment 207 on Dewey Avenue we observe a girl’s routine: she prepares some drinks, reads a magazine in an armchair, does her hair in front of the mirror. A home movie rescued by the curator of “Unseen Cinema”, Bruce Posner.
Other suggestions: Happy Birthday to John (Jonas Mekas,1995, 22’43’’), Happy-end (Peter Tscherkassky, 1996, 11’)
Nobody’s Business (1996), Alan Berliner, 60 min.
As an intergenerational detective, filmmaker Alan Berliner uses old images of his family to gain insight into his past and culture. An ingenious, moving composition using extraordinary archive material.
Other suggestions: Grandpère’pear (Stephen Dwoskin,2003, 5’), Veil (Matthias Müller, 2004, 4’5’’)
My Tears Are Dry (2009), Laida Lertxundi, 4 min.
A three-part film in dialectical motion. A song by Hoagy Lands, with the Californian sunshine and its promises in the background, is interrupted by the sound of a guitar. Two women, a bed, an armchair and the beauty of the landscape outside.
Other suggestions: Marvo Movie (Jeff Keen,1967, 4’30’’), Super 8 (David Domingo,1997, 7’15’’)