This film focuses on images of the Gulf War that caused stupor in 1991. In the shots of projectiles hunting for their targets, the bombs and journalists were identical, according to a theory expounded by the philosopher Klaus Theweleit. At the same time, it was impossible to distinguish between photographed and simulated computer images. The loss of the "genuine image" means that the eye no longer represents the role of historical witness. It has been said that what came into play in the Gulf War was not new weaponry, but a new policy of imagery. In this way, the basis for electronic warfare was created. Nowadays, kilotons and penetration are less important than the denominated cycle C3I, that seem to surround us. C3I refers to Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence and refers to the first global and tactical warning systems, the surveillance of areas using seismic, acoustic and radar sensors, radiogoniometric probes, communications for enemy surveillance as well as the use of interferences to eliminate all these techniques. Harun Farocki explores the question of how military image technologies find their place in civil life.