This programme explores the forgotten period of decidedly political cinema, with particular attention to the radical Newsreel group founded in 1967 in New York. This mixed but committed collective, active in the early 70s, looked at social and racial injustices from the inside. Moved by a sense of rage and urgency, they wanted to produce films that showed the other side of the news. "As well as filming the events, we used the camera as a weapon", recalls one group member. In view of the resurgence of activism (anti-war, environmental, etc.), this excerpt from the history of activism is increasingly relevant.
America's in Real Trouble, Tom Palazzolo, 1967, 15'', 16 mm
People's Park, San Francisco Newsreel Group, 1969, 25', 16 mm
The Young Lords, New York Newsreel Group, 1971, 42', 16 mm