Paola Lagos Labbé is Master in Documentary Film, PhD in Audiovisual Communication (U. Autònoma de Barcelona) and postdoctoral researcher at U. Pompeu Fabra. She has been a full-time instructor at U. de Chile and at U. Austral de Chile, and has taught postgraduate courses at universities such as U. Autònoma de Barcelona and U. Pompeu Fabra. Lagos is the author of the book David Perlov. La imagen bisagra como pensamiento cinematográfico intersticial (Shangrila, 2024). Her research interests include contemporary non-fiction cinema, essay film, autobiographical documentary, experimental cinema, domestic and amateur film, Chilean and Latin American documentary, and the sound, oral, and vocal dimensions in essay film. Jury member at many international film festivals, in 2022 she organized and curated the cycle "David Perlov’s Diaries: Poetics and Politics of the Everyday", the first retrospective to bring together all of the diary films of the Brazilian-Israeli filmmaker, photographer, and visual artist (Zumzeig Cinema, Barcelona).