Marga Almirall (La Floresta, 1989) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication (UAB), a postgraduate degree in Audiovisual Editing (UPF) and has completed the Feminist Laboratory of Documentary Creation at La Bonne, as well as studies in film theory and criticism. She currently works at the cooperative Drac Màgic where she's jointly in charge of the educational projects for training in audiovisual languages, as well as other projects by the cooperative. She has made a video essay for the programme Soy Cámara by the CCCB, entitled Estimada (vida) diària (2016), and has co-directed, together with Marta Nieto, La carcajada de la medusa (2018) and De un cuerpo a esta parte (2019). She directed the short film Elena Universo (2018) which has been selected at numerous national and international festivals and received a special mention by the jury at the documentary film festival Alcances. Her latest short, El que encara ens balla (2021), was supported by Manlleu Festival's Short Films in Development Award and has been selected for Catalan Films' ShortCat 2022 programme. In 2023 she has directed a piece for "City Symphonies" (CCCB and Dones Visuals) entitled Somorrostro en tres actes.