Aaron Cabañas graduated in Audiovisual Communication from Pompeu Fabra University and has a Master's in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies from the same university. He was a writer for Contrapicado magazine from 2011 to 2021 and has been its editor since 2014. He's lectured on the Higher Diploma in Audiovisual Production.
As a member of ACCEC (Catalan Association of Film Criticism and Writing), he's sat on the critics' jury at the Barcelona Independent Film Festival (L'Alternativa), the BCN-Sant Jordi Film Fest, the Atlàntida Film Fest, MECAL and the auteur cinema festival, D'A, among others.
In 2004 he worked for Televisió Comtal, between 2005 and 2007 he formed part of the audiovisual drama company Noptile Albe as well as La Fura dels Baus, and between 2009 and 2010 he was also a member of the experimental audiovisual collective SalAV, as part of the Performance School-Workshop. In recent years he's collaborated with Radio Zumzeig, making the pilot episode (dedicated to the band known as Brighton 64) for the documentary podcast Barcelona va tenir grups de música (Barcelona had music groups) and the sound piece Generacions Estanques (Impermeable Generations), as part of Murs (Walls), a collective project for Barcelona's local radio network. He's also collaborated with Laboratorio Reversible, filming and developing in Super 8 the collective piece Els voltants del Teatre Arnau (All around the Arnau Theatre). Over the years he's scripted, lit, shot and collaborated in documentary, experimental and fiction short films. He's currently a member of the team that organises the TaShortFest (Barcelona's international festival for humorous short films).