Xcèntric Focus

Rose Lowder. «Bouquets 1-10» by Gloria Vilches

February 2021

Gloria Vilches
Rose Lowder

Gloria Vilches, Xcèntric Coordinator, presents Bouquets 1-10, by Rose Lowder, one-minute compositions whose frames, filmed in the same area at different times, are interlaced so that each bouquet of flowers also becomes a bouquet of images.

Bouquets 1-10, Rose Lowder, France, 1994-1995, 16 mm, 11 min 33 s

This film was available during the month of February 2021. Digital copy courtesy of Light Cone.

Special thanks to the Catalan Association of Film Criticism and Writing (ACCEC). Xcèntric Focus header clip fragment courtesy of Laida Lertxundi (Farce Sensationelle, 2009).