
Peter Weiss: In a Divided World I

Peter Weiss
Peter Weiss's films, shot between 1952 and 1961, crown his career as a painter. The experimental nature of these short studies and documentaries is marked above all by such activities as surrealist drawing and likewise innovative and revolutionary literature. An extraordinary 1979 interview with Peter Weiss by Harun Farocki opens the session.

Zur Ansicht: Peter Weiss, Harun Farocki. Germany, 1979. 44', video
Studie II (Hallucinationier) / Study II (Hallucinations), Peter Weiss. Sweden, 1952. 6', 16 mm
Studie IV (Frigörelse) / Study IV (Liberation), Peter Weiss. Sweden, 1955. 10', 16 mm
Ansikten i skugga (Faces in the Shadow), Peter Weiss. Sweden, 1956. 14', 16 mm
Enligt lag (According to Law), Peter Weiss. Sweden, 1957. 19', 16 mm
Vad ska vi göra un då? (What Shall We Do Now?), Peter Weiss. Sweden, 1958. 20', video


6 March 2008
Admission fee
Xcèntric session: 3.60 € / Reduced rate: 3.00 €

5 session subscription: 12.50 € / Reduced rate: 10.00 €

Friend of the CCCB: FREE €
Ticket sales
Sales in advance at the CCCB ticket offices and
Telentrada: 902 10 12 12 and
All of the projections will be in original sound with Catalan subtitles and in cinema format (16/35 mm), unless otherwise indicated.

The CCCB reserves the right to change the programme for reasons of force majeure. Projections in the auditorium. Seats limited. Please be punctual.