
First Person

Xcèntric Archive

The Primera Persona (First Person) Festival is to be held for the seventh time this year in the CCCB Theatre and will present a new round of stories about life: monologues, readings and an incredible range of shows. At the Xcèntric Archive you can watch a selection of the most important experimental films narrated in the first person. Enjoy!

News From Home (1977) Chantal Akerman, France, 85’

Lost, Lost, Lost (Diaries, Notes and Sketches), Reel 2 (1976) Jonas Mekas. USA, 26’

Behindert (1964-1966) Stephen Dwoskin. UK, 96’

Maria Lassnig Kantate (1992) Maria Lassnig. Austria, 8’

Diary 4 (1982-1983) David Perlov. Israel, 59’

Breathing (2011) Guy Sherwin. UK, 3’

Videodiary 2-1-2006 to present (2011) Naomi Uman. USA, 85’

You can view the works of this playlist in the Xcèntric Archive.